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  • Writer's pictureBeverley Jane Smith


Making an impact within the NYC music scene.

As my blog grows, I want to expand my content and features. Continuing to explore the journey of so many upcoming artists, I now want to alter my outcomes and perception to allow my blog take a different direction. To start this off, I am widening my interviewee search and target audience.

I recently had the opportunity to network with this independently ran record label which is based in New York City. The biggest aspect which attracted me to their profile would be their main goals which surrounded being an outlet for those 'bedroom musicians', and their wide talent spectrum.

TIRGAN RECORDS - "By musicians, for musicians"

Founder - Zachary Tirgan, who himself is also a multi-instrumentalist as well as entrepreneur.

The company is split into 3 sections;

General - Z. Tirgan.

Management - Andrey Stukenberg.

Demo's - Luke McCarthy

The label is small yet with every possibility continues to grow both in size and in creativity. As a music platform they offer to artists: channel for their music, photo shoots for publicity/promotions, radio station coverage, financial overviews and professional mixing/studio time.

I wanted to further research and adopt a record labels point of view when it comes to future planning, what steps they take and how they would know which would be beneficial and or of negative impact.

I am a supporter of independent record labels and independent artists, creating a lane of their own. I hope myself to build a record label within the near future, so i want to take a close look into how they run, how they succeed and how they satisfy their artists musical needs.

1. What inspired the creation of TIRGAN Records?

"We wanted to create a label which wouldn’t screw the artist by putting obscure packaging and release fees which result in debt for the emerging artists. We want to give the emerging artist the room to grow at their own pace."

2. What are the main aspirations the creators wish to achieve within the next year for the signed artists?

"Aspirations we want to achieve: we want to release a few singles if not larger projects such as albums/EPS. We work with the artist on a one year contract. We promote their music on streaming services and aim to get them on Spotify playlists as well as radio stations. We want to create a network of artists and engineers. We also want to license our music."

3. Surrounding the labels theme: “By musicians, for musicians” (I love this) - what is the overall genre and style for the label? If any.

"We don’t have a genre pinned on the label. We want to encourage all genres while harboring a level of competition within artists. We want different sounds on the label and we want artists to yearn to stand out."

4. Now focusing on your location, being based in NYC, what is your input of the music scene regarding the current musical styles or popular trends?

"Being based on NYC we have a lot of artists we can look at and there’s a large pool of musicians. As long as music has creativity, originality and soul behind it we promote whatever genre of music we hear."

5. Adding to that, how did you find creating a lane for Tirgan Records? - if you came across any struggles or set backs.

"We’ve spoken to several artists who have negotiated a contract and have backed out. This has been detrimental financially especially in the beginning of the label but building a project like this is a marathon not a sprint."

6. What are the labels next moves such as upcoming gigs/showcases or collaborations. Or possibly, in the future do you have plans to expand the label across all creative medias?

"We want to release accessible and fashionable merch, we want to get involved in the live music scene."

7. Regarding a brief over view of the artists, what are their views and aspersions for their careers? Example; commercial success or working more behind the scenes such as producing. 

"Be it commercial or not, our artists job is to make their craft and many of them just look at this as a way to gain exposure and put what they love out into the world." 

8. Who would they like to collaborate with throughout the future? 

"Our first priority with our artists is for them to work with eachother. We want Tirgan Records to be a community of artists who collaborate together and can build off of eachother progress and success. Working together, unique artists can develop new sounds and innovative ideas which would not have been produced otherwise." 

9. The impact (if any) they wish to have within their specific music genre? Example; creating a new wave for other upcoming artists.

"With this collaboration of artists we want to create our own hybrid genres. We don't aim to subject the label to a specific genre yet because we know what musicians who create specific genres of music can learn from others." 


- Nouhi's Nomad

- RIPrat

- Luke McCarthy


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