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  • Writer's pictureBeverley Jane Smith


Interview with, The Reason (4 piece indie band):

I have known the members of The Reason for many years, having attended the same school's and grew up in the same surrounding areas. It has been a pleasure to have watched the process and development of their success throughout the years.

These boys are so incredibly talented, creative and are tremendous on-stage performers. They got together and began their journey around 2016. Each one being heavily involved in the music department within school, this was really a great outlet to spread their idea's and build the groups experiences.

Here we are 3 years later, having made 2 E.P's each featuring 5 song, performed countless gigs/showcases which some were self-organised and creating an impressive online presence throughout social media and music streaming sites, the group have many exciting opportunities ahead.

I wanted to get an in depth view of the bands position at the moment; how it all began, they plan to go and whats on the cards for future development.

1. What music artists or bands inspired the reason?

"We’re inspired by so many bands and I would say our music is a culmination of all those inspirations. To name a few at the moment I’d have to say Twenty One Pilots is a big one for me, just with their work ethic and consistency. But sound wise, maybe two door cinema club and bloc party are good markers for us."

2. What are the main aspirations the group wish to achieve within the next year?

"This is a good question. I think looking back at this time last year we’d have hoped to have more music out by now. But I think looking at this time next year it’s safe to say we will have more music out. Last year we had ideas, this year we have plans. And next year hopefully those plans will have been put in place whilst making more plans alongside that. We always want to keep the ball rolling."

3. What have been the biggest changes you have made since the beginning of your careers? Group members, genre/styles etc. if any.

"We’ve had like 5 million drummers. We now have a lineup we’re absolutely buzzing with and it’s helped us focus on our sound a bit more. I also bought a recording setup for my bedroom so that any time I ever have any ideas I can get them down before they escape my mind. We’ve got so many songs that we’ve made on GarageBand/Logic that we’re so excited about, but they’re a million miles away from being released, which is probably more exciting to be honest."

4. Now focusing on the location, being based here in Glasgow/Scotland, what is your input of the music scene regarding the current musical styles or popular trends?

"Glasgow and Scotland in general is so amazing. It has by far the best music scene bar none right now, and that’s an amazing thing. You look at the bands around you having success and you think ‘if they can do it then do can we’. I’m not sure that our music is what’s most popular in the Glasgow/Scotland scene right now but it’s still a very loved genre and sound that we create."

5. Adding to that, how did you find creating a lane for the group? - if you came across any struggles or set backs.

"This is probably the most difficult part. You look at the punk scene in Glasgow and it’s amazing, they’ve totally made a lane for themselves which is great. Look at bands such as The Dunts, Baby Strange and Rascalton to name a few. They’ve nailed that concept of creating a scene. So we just need to stride to do the same thing, we’ve got everything in place now, we’ve been underground for a while but we’re ready to lift our heads out and tell everyone we’re here."

6. What are the groups next moves such as upcoming gigs/showcases or collaborations?

"Releases. We intend on making up for lost time as I said earlier. We have a bajillion songs recorded and ready to be brought out, we just need to time it right. We want to be 3/4 steps ahead of ourselves always."

7.The impact (if any) you wish to have within the specific music genre? Example; creating a new wave for other upcoming artists.

"We ultimately want to inspire a generation. We want to be the voice for our generation and the generation following us. We have a lot to see and we just think that everyone needs to hear it, so we want to be the voices for those who aren’t heard as loudly as others!"

Each bringing their own individual flare and element; the current and future music scene are blessed to have them present. They have came such a long way, from continuing to write their own lyrics, to creating their music and backing tracks, booking their own shows/venues and keeping in control of distribution of tickets and of their social medias - they have set the bar high for the level of effort and dedication, implemented by other upcoming and independent bands or artists.

(No pressure!)



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