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  • Writer's pictureBeverley Jane Smith

Mindfulness and Me

Hi everyone, i'm back again to talk about mental health and our general well being, buckle up xxx

First of all, let's start with the typical, yet true, 'Its okay, not to be okay'.

We've all heard it, we've all felt it and let's admit, we've all rolled our eye's to it. Because regardless of how relatable it is... Everyone wants to be ok. No one wants to not be okay.

Fucking no one.

Please don't misinterpret this. The saying is true. I've said this countless times. The trouble is, we focus on relying on time to heal. We say things like 'its okay not to be ok' but, other than reminding us that we are in-fact not okay, how helpful is this saying? Genuine question, HMU if you know x

I come to you with a very honest and open heart, because i know how scary the mind can be. I know how scary it might feel to not fully understand your emotions and why certain ones get triggered. I know that we can be our own biggest supporters and also our own biggest (and nastiest ew) critics. But I also know that NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING. Sis we are all winging it, all the way x

It's so easy to get lost in social media and reality TV, the drama of whats going on in Love island and also keeping up with the group drama on snapchat. It's a lot. (I no longer have snapchat - but miss our group chat's). Sometimes we forget there is an actual whole world out there. I feel so caught up in the thought of needing to be busy. I always compare myself to the rabbit in Alice in wonderland. You know the one that's always checking the time, and running about in a rush? Me. Always late. But for real, when my mind has been neglected and sis isn't feeling the best - I feel like the rabbit - Nivens. Running about, checking the time, in a rush. But when I actually stop- I don't know where i'm going. Where are we running to? And why?

This idea of a busy lifestyle has became so normalised. You are expected to be doing something big, all time and succeed effortlessly. We all have the ability and potential to do this - it's not impossible. It's not always about having the right tools physically - but mentally and emotionally. However - people forget these things literally work hand in hand. If your mind is tired, run down and needing some TLC, its going to be difficult to perform, physically, to your best ability. (In every aspect of life, just to clarify)

So let's talk about mindfulness, because not gonna life I struggled to fully understand the meaning of this...

Do you do this on the daily?? Majority will probably say no. Personally, I cannot recall learning about mindfulness in primary or high school, I might have been off that day...

But I didn't start to understand my mind until a few years ago. And we're still understanding. The practice of mindfulness, for example: meditation, has CRAZY GOOD benefits for our minds and bodies. However it is the last thing that would be prescribed or suggested. Shame huh. Now I am not a qualified health practitioner nor have I studied the human mind (well... except mine) but I do know this practice of mindfulness/meditation is one of the most useful tools that we have right at our finger tips. Its also free xxx

I wanted to write this blog on mindfulness to share some self care starter tips. I know the festive period can be a really tough time for some - then the new year follows... and before you know it you've already fucked-up your new years resolution and now your doubting every decision you every made. It's an on going cycle. Listen - YOU GOOD!

We're not perfect, (Well Beyonce's is perfect but even sometimes she has down days.)

  1. So, be kind to yourself. That's tip number one. There's a video of an actress I love - Jennifer Lewis, who describes in detail her morning routine. Which involves her looking in the mirror and starring intensely for a few minutes - then reciting these words.. "PRETTY BITCH", and honestly i love this for her. Be kind to yourself, if you feel the word 'bitch' might not be right for you, you can amend this morning affirmation to something that suits you.

  2. Tip number two, BREATH!! You might not feel up to starting meditation, thats okay. The main focus of this - is breathing. 5-10 deep breaths in the morning can have a major calming effect on your mind. Sit with your thoughts just for a few seconds. A few second's tip that could change your day. You could also do this before bed - also add some stretching or yoga in there and your body will thank you.

  3. Tip number three, Move your body boo. I refuse to sit here writing this blog and pretend I am the most fit, healthy and active person ever. Because I love sitting on the couch. That's where I am right now writing this. I have however - began daily walks. One hour a day. Beautiful. This one hour is an hour of guaranteed clear thoughts. I love it & i look forward to it! Some days are a breeze, some days take some convincing and some days i give in and sit back on the couch. Thats okay too because we need rest, as I've just stated xxxx

  4. EAT YOUR GREENS. Tip number four, now I am preaching something that I am not fully practicing right now... so this one we can work on together. Fruit and vegetables are literally life. It's scary how little the general public know about each and every benefit fruit and veggies have on our health. People know the saying 'one apple a day' and all.. but there is so much more to our health than eating apples. I get all my info fr0m my super human brother who has studied this personally for years - but you guys go do your research... but I don't know any fast foods that lower the chances of a health risk's.

  5. Tip number five- Sleep. It's okay to rest boo. You are ALLOWED to take a break! As i mentioned before - we've all been programmed to fall into this fast paced 'hustle-culture' and literally run ourselves into the ground. That's not okay. I don't know about you guys, but i feel SO GUILTY calling into work or cancelling plans. When I feel i've exhausted myself and decide a personal day is needed, i then give myself second hand anxiety because i'm now putting pressure on myself to push through the fog and get on with it - because i'm a people pleaser. Don't be a people pleaser. If you feel that you just CANNOT today, then sis DO NOT.... You need: REST & SLEEP. Your mind and body will thank you. If you don't take a break when its needed, your mind will decided when its limits have been reached and make you take a break. So do yourself a favour :)

Okay... I think i got it all out now. I hope someone finds these tips helpful, this is a starting point. These are the basic steps I take, but you should definitely treat yourself. Have a bubble bath, wear a face mask (guys too), put on some music and let your body decided how it wants to move (You'll make the best dance moves, promise), cook a meal and then desert and have a candle lit dinner with yourself!


Like i said, no one knows what they are doing. We don't have it all figured out, but we can make life just that little bit better with some self care.

Until next time, Bev x

P.s, Xoxo



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