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  • Writer's pictureBeverley Jane Smith


Interview with Edward Hetherington on his previous Jazz Band:

I first met Edward and one more member of the band named, Vasilis Pappas, during a university event which was created by myself and my partner, Kiai.

This Jazz duo phenomenon saved our little live music section, agreeing to play at the event last minute.They really blew the audience away with their extremely unique sound and relaxing stage presence, portraying from the beginning of the set how comfortable they were with there genre and instruments. It was brilliant watching them unfold their music and creativity on stage, what a wonderful gift and sound to our ears.

Talking with Ed recently, i was still so intrigued with their talents, i had to ask for a feature on my blog and thankfully he was more than happy to give a brief description about the groups journey and endeavours.

1. I began asking the basics, such as; Specifying their sound/genre, when they began the group and their intentions for their music career.

His responses:

"When we began The Pappas Trio it started off as a couple of plucky kids who had just found a fantastic piano player who had just moved to Scotland from Greece.

Sean and I had just finished playing in a little jazz trio with a vocalist, however we were self taught within the genre and wanted to spread our wings a little bit, this was the perfect opportunity.

This was new and exciting for us, we wanted to splash onto the scene as the virtuous kids on the block, at least in Perth. None of us had seen any other bands of young people even attempt to tackle jazz so we thought we'd give it a whack.

We had the vision of just being a jazz cover band, which is what we still are.

We play through popular jazz and bossa standards and just take turns in trying to truly express who we are through our instruments over the structures and harmony."

2. One of my main focuses for this blog would be surrounding your own input on the Scottish music scene & adding to that how you found creating your own sort of Lane/style. Did you came across any struggles?

"This being the goal, none of us anticipated how little the community would care for jazz, we were ready, willing and able to bring our music to a myriad of restaurants and venues to paint a more relaxed, low volume picture for our audiences.

Unfortunately we were not widely accepted for a few reasons. One was our fee, venue owners would much rather give a solo acoustic singer/songwriter a couple of quid to fill the space than three jazzers who have around 40 years of experience combined between all of us.

Another being lack of possible support acts. The fact that nobody else was doing any music that was improv-heavy at the time made us very difficult to pair with other local acts."

3. And lastly, what are your next moves such as upcoming gigs or any collaborations you wish to do with other artists?

"At the moment there are no upcoming dates or collaborations, but I'm in the middle of getting back on the scene myself so watch this space!"

Edward, his band mates and I are hoping to work with each other on some music projects in the future, so keep your ears peeled!


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