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  • Writer's pictureBeverley Jane Smith

Back once again..

Updated: Oct 22, 2023

Hi its me, Bev x

Ok so - I've came to the conclusion that I am a professional procrastinating writer at heart and theres no way around it. I miss writing songs and blog posts and I miss BlaKSmith... or B.smith creatives... i'm not sure which name it is today. Anyway, i've had a good year and a half to think about what my aims are for this website and the truth is - i still don't know lol. I have many ideas and creatives projects that my spontaneous little mind would like to implement but for now - i just want to write.

The past few years have been a bit of a personal roller-coaster, Destiny's child said it ain't easy being independent and sis they weren't lying x

Ive been on a bit of a spiritual awakening/journey/rebirth one could say? Among other things happening, i'd recently moved into my own flat (YAY) and so working and grudgingly paying bills has became the centre of my attention. Which sadly means lots and lots of time for work and not so much time creative play. *sad face* This has affected me in more ways than I know, i've been so unstimulated and been feeling so Blah - because sis isn't exercising her creative imagination and thats not good. So i thought let's pay my neglected little project a long over due visit, and here we are.

For those of you who have been reading my stuff from the get go (2019 omg), you might remember a brief introduction i wrote about myself and the birth of BlaKSmith. I re-read that post and ngl i wanted to cry a little cause it was so cute. Cute but true. Alot of what i wrote still stands and still highlights what i want BlaKSmith to grow into. But my wee undiagnosed ADHD brain gets a new idea and a new career plan every 10 fkn seconds. So staying on track is proving very, very difficult.

Things you may be wondering about BlaKSmith:

Where it did it come from?

Where did it go? (not like cotten-eye'd Joe - a disturbing tail)

What is the goal?

Whats with all the brand revamping?

I'm wondering all these things too its ok to be lost, were in the same boat x

So heres a little snippet from my first blog post, to recap where we're at.

Taken from 'WHO AM I AND WHAT IS BLAKSMITH?' written in 2019:...

"In 2017 I was working on my graded unit for my HND – music business course. My project was creating a career plan for a hypothetical artist (me). From creating examples such as: a press release, to a photo shoot, to a 5 track E.P, to then a 10-date tour and finally the signing of said artist to a label. This is when my ideas came into play! I made BlaKSmith Records into my hypothetical independent record label and signed myself.

From here the ideas continued brewing, although did not float until 2019 when I created my ‘BlaKSmith music blog’. I started this blog because I wanted to gain experience with

creating my own content and liaising with artists/producers and other creatives. As time went on, my main Idea got lost within all the preparation. I lined up roughly 4/5 interviews, then fell off my tracks. (Writers block is real, and she is a bitch). I was completely uninspired and lost all my motivation. Slowly getting some drive back, I decided I wanted to expand on what I was going to be delivering.

I then switched from BlaKSmith Music-blog to BlaKSmith Creatives. I would not want to class myself as a ‘singer/songwriter’, but as a creator across all sectors -

I am passionate about all forms of Art and I want BlaKSmith creatives to be a representation of that. Music, art, dance, vocals, photography, fashion/design – any form of art, I would like to create a lane for - within this platform."

How cute? Love this for 2019 Bev x

So my aims and aspiration's for BlaKSmith are roughly still the same. I still want to create a platform for all creatives and artists across the spectrum - I just don't quite know how to do everything just yet. But we got time x

Its probably became very apparent to some people that I have the attention span of a fish, but most artists usually do. I use the term 'artist' quite loosely, because for some of us our creative interests don't just surround one area. I love art, fashion and most importantly - music, so despite being a singer/ songwriter - it wouldn't be fair to class myself as just that.

So heres hoping that i don't fall into the trap of writers/creative block and disappear for another 2 years and let's hope this is a nice little transition blog post to get us all ready for the fun filled stuff to come.

(Got lots of ideas. Don't know which one will happen first. Not sure if they are actually do-able, probably cant afford it, but no one said being an artist is simple. Stay posted, love u)

Xoxo Gossip girl


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